Age of Stars: Breakdown
Black Hole - The Never Ending Home
A journey into the unknown. As the world collapses, we searched for a new reality. The history of Mankind has never been graces with goodness and yet we still destroyed our Hope
A solo adventure, entering the danger of the infinite reality, A nature of darkness pulled everything together, a chaos and destruction in one powerful motion
The black hole, our journey, to the Never Ending Home
Birth of The Universe - A new reality
With the lightspeed, we travel our universe. We float through time and spaces. All reality has shifted, creating chaos and madness. Gravity pulled, Time rewinded, Space compressed, and your sanity engulfed.
Endless torture and pain crushes your body, as the bright light began to subside, and then, the explosion. An explosion worth to be seen, created a thousand lights as fire purges from it's center
Experience the Birth of The Universe
End of The Galaxy - End of The Journey?
We lived in an age of the destructive force marvels, Reality is none to the victim. The creation of the new universe has decided by your own journey, but it was at the cost of the old world burned, purged into the ashes, become a new foundation of our new world
Have you realized the action you've made? The new creation of the new universe has destroyed your own reality. Endure the madness and the raging fault of our humankind
What comes after The End of The Galaxy?
Dystopia - A new chapter opens
We'll be fine, We'll always be fine, Listen to the scream of those who wanted the truth. This Nightmare will be end as soon as the sun goes up
We'll be fine, We'll always be good, Listen to the screams of those who wanted to uncover the truth. This Nightmare will be end as soon as the sun goes down
We were never be fine, We were never be always good, Listen to the woes of those who walks the path. There is no escape, from this gray land we call home